1. Launch Your Android Studio

Launch Android Studio IDE Like This. Make sure you have installed JDK and JRE here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index-jsp-138363.html.

2. Android Studio Start Project

Click Start a New Android Studio Project in top of list.

3. Configure Your New Project

Fill in the Application Name in accordance with the name of the application you want to create.
Fill in your Domain Company Dface.org is example, up to you because it will be the name of your project.

Create Android Application Using Android Studio Fast

4. Target Android Devices

Choose the Minimum SDK/Android Version, Im use IceCreamSandwich API 15 for Minimum SDK.Create Android Application Using Android Studio Fast

5. Add Start Activity

Starter Activity, You can choose whatever you want, if you are a beginner. I recommend using Empty Activity.Create Android Application Using Android Studio Fast

6. Done and Succes Creating New Project In Android Studio

Activity Name Field is the MainActivity for Java and activity_main is the first or main layout android application. You can change it as you like.Create Android Application Using Android Studio Fast